The Promise [v0.95] [Xagrim’s Gameforge]

You play as a man aged forty who has given his family a lot of promises. And now it’s time to follow up on them. You must work hard and make many decisions for your… DOWNLOAD

Agent17 [v0.23.10] [HEXATAIL]

You are an ordinary-looking pervert with average grades, blending into the background at school without anyone paying much attention to you. Occasionally, you may face bullying from troublemakers, possibly even being robbed or coerced into… DOWNLOAD

University of Problems [v1.4.0 Extended] [DreamNow]

Student life is perhaps the most vivid, colorful, and memorable period of life for many of us. You start your adult life, feel unlimited possibilities, make a lot of new acquaintances. “University of Problems” is… DOWNLOAD